Covid Disclaimer
We understand the uncertainties surrounding a larger gathering and want to reassure anyone who is not comfortable in attending that by no means should you feel obligated. It was a very difficult decision whether to move forward with the wedding and we will monitor the situation closely as the date draws near. Updates will be sent out should we need to inform anyone of cancellation or new restrictions, etc. Although the venue is a large, outdoor space, we are asking that all guests wear masks through the entirety of the ceremony and maintain social distancing.

° Wear a mask (we will have extras for anyone who forgets/wants extra)
° Maintain space whenever possible
° Apply hand sanitizer (we will supply)
° As much as we want to hug and shake hands, please refrain
° If you feel sick, even slightly, please do not attend
° If you are able to get tested in the days preceding the wedding we encourage you to do so

We want everyone to feel as comfortable and safe as possible, thank you!
-Louie and Cory

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